Bubba Betancourt
NickName - "Trim Tab"
- The face of FlatsMafia Fishing
- Full Time fishing guide
- Radio Host, TV Host, Fun Host
- Nicknamed “Trim Tab” for obvious reasons and has a personality that draws everyone to him
Fishing Skills:
Makes every trip memorable, even when the fish aren’t cooperating. Shortly after that….. he breaks something
James Garrison
NickName - "Dad"
- OG FlatsMafia Fishing Creator
- Radio Co-Host, TV Co-Host
- Nicknamed “Dad” because he acts like a Dad to everybody…. except Abuelo
Fishing Skills:
Pancake maker with a cast net and loves to fall off the boat after a couple cold ones
Jeff Martin
NickName - "Ginja"
- Business owner
- TV Co-Host
- Radio Co-Host, TV Co-Host
- OG FlatsMafia Fishing Member with a second personality that comes out when he fishes
- NickNamed “Ginja” because he doesn’t think he’s one
Fishing Skills:
All about the ‘D’
Dive and hold his breath for 10 minutes to get a Lobster
Drives a boat better than anybody and always has to stay on top of the waves
Justin Lofaro
NickName - "BudderScotch"
- Full Time fishing guide
- Radio Co-Host, TV Co-Host
- Radio Host, TV Host, Fun Host
- Nicknamed “BudderScotch” due to an amazing ability to crush tacos and find places to BlowOut
Fishing Skills:
Has an uncanny talent to find fish in an area he has never been to before
Troy White
NickName - "Abuelo"
- FireFighter
- TV Co-Host
- Brings Experience to the world and stays ready with a One Liner that will crush your dreams
- Nicknamed “Abuelo” because he rocks the black crew socks
Fishing Skills:
Masterful at finding the Trophy Fish or at least takes credit for the reason someone else hooked it